June 2, 2024 | Hope: Living and Lasting


Let's start with scripture and prayer. First Peter chapter one, starting at verse ten. Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully inquired what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating. When he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories, it was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves, but you in the things that they are now announced to you through those who preach the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven things, and to which angels longed to look.

Therefore prepare your minds for actions. Being sober minded. Set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Let's pray. Father, as we enter into this text, we see grace. We see salvation. We see sufferings and glories. We see something so great that the angels long to look into it.

And then there is a so what? Or a now what? Or therefore, which is to prepare our minds for action. Be sober minded and set our hope fully on the grace brought to you with the revelation of Jesus Christ. Father, I pray that for myself this morning. I pray that for everyone in earshot of these words, I pray that for all of our loved ones, I pray that for our church we pray that for our school.

I pray that for our neighborhoods and our communities and father everyone, we will have come into contact with. I pray, father, that you would help us to understand, your Grace, understand how good it is. Understand how much you are for us. May we make the name of Christ great today? And I pray, father, that we would come under your word, which is, a right and good place.

It is good for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training and righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. May we do our good works. Thank you for the good works done here yesterday. Thank you for not just yesterday, but all the VBS prep. Father, we do ask your blessing on that as tomorrow this auditorium will be full of kids and full of parents and full of people who are going to hear your word in that.

Thank you for the, the, the struggle, maybe the sufferings that went into that. Thank you, father, for your work through that. And thank you, father, that we our prayer is that more would come to salvation. We pray that more would understand your grace. So, father, thank you for not just the one time act of salvation. Thank you for the spiritual growth process and thank you, father for the future glory.

Things we haven't yet tasted, things we can't even yet imagine how wonderful glory will be and how great it will be when you are revealed. May we set our hope on that. Thank you for a living and lasting hope. We ask Jesus in your precious name. Amen.

Good morning. Guess very quiet. we want to continue through these passages as, Jed has taken the lead. as he does through the living hope that Peter is, proclaiming the mystery and that he has not only, has knowledge of, but is experienced. And we're going to get down later to the, the sufferings and the glory, which is a good summary of the grace and the hope we have through our suffering and through our future glory.

it's also a good summary of the book of Peter. It may be a good summary for the whole scripture, and it may be a good summary for our life, because we want to remember well, make God great, but understand that we have a living and a lasting hope. There's kind of three sections in this. There is the reflection of salvation.

There is the inquiring and searching, and then there is the future and preparing and setting our minds for what is yet to come. So as we talk through that, we look forward to God's work in our life. In verse ten it says, concerning this salvation.

Salvation is a gift. Salvation is a completion, and salvation is what we say God did in us. How many of you have ever gotten a prize for something? How many of you have ever crossed a finish line? First won a chili cook off? got a, A+ on your research paper. How many can pull up something in your mind where you did it and you got it?

I hope so. everyone has something in their life that they're probably the best at, or probably can win at. I can think of a time when I was, I was a I was a runner growing up. I wasn't a great runner. I was a good runner. I worked hard at it. My dad had been a cross-country coach.

And, And so that was kind of I when I was like 6 or 7, I used to pedal my bike while he ran, and I couldn't keep up with him kind of picture. and, and then when I was in high school, there was one race where I crossed the finish line first, not just one my school or something like that.

I crossed the finish line first. Now it was a small track meet, so there was only a few schools. There wasn't like a, you know, hundreds of runners. It was a few, but I, I won, I got the blue ribbon, I, I, I competed. I, I would also reflect that my dad was standing on the sidelines cheering for me.

And somewhere in my psyche, in my experience, that was highly motivational and that I would reflect on a picture of winning or being complete. You can't get any better than first place kind of idea. If you go bowling, if you bowl, is it 300? If you bowl perfect game, you can't get any better than that. I'm about 100 bowler, so I'm a long way from 300.

there are some things where you can't get any better than first place. I have in my hand a a, a cubbies metal that packs my four four year old now got at cubbies award ceremony. And then he gave it to me and he said, I want you to have this, dad. You can say it doesn't get any better than that.

You can you can also say he gave me a prized possession, and then I gave him a one of my. He won in one of my marathon finishing medals. So I gave that to him, which he promptly lost yesterday here at church. So if anyone finds something here anyway.

So when Peter says concerning this salvation, what's this point? All right. So let's do a little timeline here. Let's say that wall is the beginning of time, and that wall is the end of time. And therefore this stage is your life. So this is where you're born and you live. And at some point, unless we're Enoch or Elijah, we're going to die.

So this is the end of your life. And so somewhere in this experience we call life, we and Scripture does talk about having been saved, being saved, and will be saved. So the having been saved, words are justification, say justification, just good justification. Romans, let's go to Rome. Let's go to Romans five, verses one through five.

Therefore, since you have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. I shall stop there. So Romans five one says, you have we have been justified. That is an act in time. That is, you are saved or you're not saved. You have been just or you have not been justified or you have been justified.

And when you receive justification, you are complete. You can't get any better than being justified. That's kind of like being married or not being married. You're not kind of married. It's a yes or no answer. I understand there is the engagement process and regrettably, there is the separation process. But you're either legally, you're either married or you're not.

And therefore, when you are justified, you're either justified or you're not. It's not kinda. And so. That is, that is the word justification. There's other certainly places in Scripture. Flip over to Ephesians chapter one. Another good scriptural word for salvation is redemption. Verse one seven. Ephesians one seven. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.

You have been you have redemption. Or sometimes we use the word redeemed. Now, if you get an if you get like, Apple gift card and you get online and you go scroll down to the bottom of the Apple page, it says redeem your gift card. Now that's they're not making a spiritual point in that they're using the word redeem for to apply it to you.

If you have redemption in your life, you have been bought back or it has been applied to you redeemed or redemption. That is also a one time thing. Justification, redemption. And then there's one more propitiation. Flip over to first or excuse me first. John. Chapter two, verse one and two, my little children, I'm writing these things to you so that you may not sin.

But if any of you does sin, he has an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sin and not only ours, but also for the sins of the whole world. Jesus is our propitiation, justification, redemption, and propitiation are all what is encompassed in that word. You have been saved. There's a lot of deep spiritual truth in that.

That word propitiation is meant to be the mercy seat in the Old Testament, where God in his glory was over. That and then he looked down and he saw us in comparison to the law, the Ten Commandments in the ark of the covenant. And his wrath was poured out. But that's where the crosses. So the wrath is poured out on the cross.

So we are under that cross. If you are not under the cross of Christ, you are under the wrath of God.

If you're not under the cross of Christ, you were under the wrath of God. What a gift. We have been justified. We have considered not guilty. We have been redeemed. It has been applied to our life and we have the purpose creation of Christ or the covering of the cross. That is what is encompassed in the those three biblical words of concerning this salvation.

That's big and that's good.

I know this is normally an end of the sermon idea, but if you would like to talk to me or an elder or a leader about that in your life today, we would love that. That's what is going to be said all week this week with Vacation Bible School. That's what we teach all the time in our Sunday school classes.

That's why Berean Christian School exists, is to bring concerning this salvation to our curriculum. Praise God for all of those things. That is salvation. And I'm using the I'm using the the physical part of this stage as that is a if you are saved, that is a past tense part of your life, you have been saved. Now let's go to the you are being saved part.

Go to John 17.

John 17. This is the high priestly prayer of Jesus. Just before he goes to the cross, he prays for himself. He prays for the disciples, and he prays for all that are going to come after him.

And if you get down to. verse I'm going to start at verse 15. So this is John 17, verse 15. I do not ask that you take them out of this world. He's praying for his disciples. I do not ask that you take them out of this world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of this world, just as I am not of this world.

Sanctify them in truth. Your word is truth as you've sent me into this world. So I have sent them into this world, and for their sake I consecrate myself, that they may be sanctified in truth. That word sanctified is a spiritual growth picture. You are being sanctified. Nobody has reached sanctification or completion in this world. If they are still alive, they have been justified.

They've been redeemed. There's propitiation, but there there's always a knowing God better. This is the pray without ceasing. This is the reading, the Scripture. This is the spiritual disciplines in your life. You can always know God better. That is sanctification. It's a spiritual growth process.

Are you growing spiritually?

You think of a tree. You think of growth. You think of bearing fruit. You think of seasons with leaves falling off and buds in the spring and growth. And one of the, one of the good questions we can ask our life in our life is, am I growing spiritually? Am I bearing fruit that is sanctification?

And the final thought is the future salvation. Flip article to to Philippians chapter three sounds a little confusing when I say flip or to Philippians, turn to Philippians. Philippians chapter three.

And it says, go down to verse 20 and 21, but our citizenship is in heaven for it. We await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly bodies to be like his glorious body by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. That has not happened yet. You still have your lowly bodies.

How many felt something about your lowly body this morning?

Thank you. We look forward. We long to a completion. We look forward to not being in this world, not having sin in our life. We looking forward to complete perfect harmony in relationships with other people. That hasn't happened yet. So there is a salvation process past tense in your life. There is a spiritual growth part and then there is a future glory part.

Jesus is coming back just as surely as Jesus was here the first time in human form. Jesus died. Rose, ascended and said, I'll be back. You can fill in an accent to that comment if you'd like.

Jesus is returning. And so when Peter, let's go back to first Peter. All right. So when Peter says.

Concerning this salvation. All of that is encompassed. But the last part at the end of 13 says, set your hope on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. So there is a future glory sense not yet completed.

One of the questions that I thought of this morning as I walked outside, as the sun was up, and I was yet trying to wake up. Am I grateful for my salvation?

Is that does that ping around in my heart in life?

I just described well, God described a whole bunch of really, really, really good stuff. In fact, completion. You can't get any better first place kind of thinking. And it is a gift and it's in your life you can't pay for it, and it is better than you can imagine.

I'm asking myself, am I grateful?

I hope so, I pray so, and that's part of why we gather on a Sunday morning, is to encourage one another with these truths. God doesn't mean for lone for us to be Lone Ranger Christians. God means for us to know these truths and encourage one another with them.

Let's move on.

It's going to take a while. If I only got through three words and that amount of time concerning the salvation. All right. Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully. What were they searching and inquiring about? Well, concerning the salvation the prophets who prophesied about the grace. Natalie Waller can help you diagram a sentence, or Emily McKeon can help you diagram sense.

If you need some help. Grace is the point. Grace is the subject concerning this salvation. The prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating. When he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories.

How many of you like Indiana Jones? Anyone in the room? All right. Good. I'm not crazy. I like to think that I got a hat. So therefore I'm like Indiana Jones. Is that how that works? What is it about Indiana Jones that is so captivating to our society? Or maybe it's national treasure, or maybe it's these other, like the book.

not shipwreck, but, the pirate book where they're looking for treasure, Treasure Island. There we go. Treasure Island train. Well, why do we like those stories of searching? What are we after? What's Indiana Jones after?

He's after treasure of some kind. Archeological treasure. Why does he want it? He. Is he after it to get rich? No, the bad guys are. And he says that belongs in a museum. Else with me on that. Johnson. You know what I'm talking about. Okay? She does all right. So he's after treasure. And I don't know that Hollywood's making a spiritual point, but I will.

He's after treasure linked to God. I mean, when he's after the Ark of the covenant, that there's a that that's not just a cool toy, that's not just a valuable thing on this earth that was meant to and was a picture of the presence of God in the Old Testament that that's a big deal. My point is, is that Indiana Jones is inquiring and searching, and we kind of like the story.

We kind of like the process. We kind of want to see how it turns out. Is he going to get the treasure? Is he going to beat the bad guy? Is he going to do all the things and then put it in a museum and ride off into the sunset wearing his hat with the music?

Am I the only one who has the music playing in his head right now? All right, so they're searching and inquiring, what are the prophets searching and inquiring about?


Is is grace that big a deal? Is grace that good? That for a third of the Bible or some crazy amount like that prophecy is continued and continued and continued. And Peter is saying it was about they were searching, inquiring about that grace for you, for me. So when you take the Lord's table, I kept my little packet this morning.

God doesn't give us the business term is a dividend. God doesn't give us or the the farm return term. If you have a chicken, God doesn't give us an egg. God doesn't give us part of himself that he can just keep replicating. He gives us himself. If you eat a chicken breast, the chicken is not okay. If you eat an egg, the chicken can be okay and it can produce another egg the next day.

Mary can tell you about that.

So when you take communion, it's a really, really good reminder that that grace you use. What word did you use this morning when you were saying just you didn't use the word destroyed? His body was was slaughtered. That's a graphic word. We don't usually say that when we talk about communion. Christ was slaughtered, but he gave us himself.

He didn't give us the little part that he can keep getting back. He died. It's that good. And you only the chicken only dies once. When you take the Lord's table, it is that grace that the prophets were talking about. It is that grace that they were searching and inquiring for years, decades, millenniums?

And it specifically says here, searching and inquiring. the Spirit of Christ is indicating that he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glorious sufferings of Christ, subsequent glories now, I used to do an example with my eighth graders when I was teaching eighth grade Bible here about prophecies, because I taught life of Christ, and we had to we had to go through the Old Testament and find all the old prophecies, and we had to go through the New Testament to find the fulfillment of the prophecies.

And it was kind of teed up for you, like the Bible verses were there. So, you know, they're eighth graders. So, by the way, eighth grade is the best year of your life. So I'm sorry that you're so far removed from eighth grade.

So they're they're looking through those prophecies, and then and then the book had you put them into two categories. Is this a suffering servant prophecy, or is this a conquering king prophecy? Because many of them were suffering servants. Isaiah 53 is probably the easiest passage to talk about when you say, this is a suffering servant, Jesus will be pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities.

The penalty will be laid upon him. And that's a prophecy of Isaiah hundreds of years before Jesus existed. And then there's many conquering kings, conquering King prophecies as well. Christ will be returning in glory and great. And from the line of David and stately and all that. And so you had you had to you had to write down all the prophecies, and then you had to put them into two categories.

This is a suffering servant or a conquering king. Which one do you think Peter had in his mind when he not just wrote this, but experienced the death and resurrection of Christ?

Both. Yes. If you saw the death of Christ. You wouldn't forget it. Even the centurion at the foot of the cross said, surely that's the Son of God. And he was a long way from being a disciple. From what we know.

But then when Jesus rose from the dead, overcame the guards, showed himself up here to 400 at once of eight talked, walked, reinstated Peter, who, by the way, is the author of this, and then went back to heaven, said, I'm going to return. That's Christ is conquering King. Even the grave can't stop Jesus. Amen. All right. Good.

All right. So they're searching and inquiring carefully. The prophets are after that grace to be revealed.

Let me take just a moment to talk about prophecy.

there's a professor. A professor. Peter Stoner was chairman of the mathematics department. And it's astronomy at Pasadena City College and chairman of the science division at Westminster College. He wrote the book Science Speaks. Professor stoner outlines the mathematical probabilities of one person in the first century, fulfilling just eight of the messianic prophecies. Just eight. What's the what's the probability that Jesus just happened upon these prophecies and not don't take hundreds, don't take 48, just take eight.

Let me remind you that there is a minimum of a 400 year gap between the prophets and Jesus. So there's a 400 year silence. Malachi, the last Old Testament book, is written probably about 400 BC, and Jesus is born in A.D. calendar thing. there's at least a 400 year gap. So in short, if you go to Boston, you have, it says Boston 1620, Boston 1620.

So 1620. Imagine you are a god off the boat from England and you're in Boston in 1620. Now imagine 2020. That's 400 years later.

I mean, these guys are farmers. These guys are trying to not get eaten by mosquitoes. These guys are trying to set up a settlement on the river. Could you imagine a cell phone? Sky scrapers? I, you could pick your variable. You're like, they're not going to get their. And these prophets were prophesying more than 400 years before that.

Prophecy after prophecy after prophecy after prophecy. All right. So the mathematical numbers based on his estimates were. One followed by 17 zeros. Of just eight of the prophecies being fulfilled. Now, if you want a word picture for that, he creates this idea that if you had a if you could fill the whole state of Texas with silver dollars and somehow mark one of them like a red one, and throw it in the mix and somehow cover the whole state of Texas.

Texas is big, by the way. Has it. Who's driven across Texas? All right. Good. Texas is big. San Antonio 600 miles away. You're like, I don't I don't have a box for that one. So cover the whole state of Texas with silver dollars and mark one and some, up to two feet deep. So somehow, like a bottle up to your knees and then somehow have a flying carpet.

What? We need Sarah back for the flying carpet and somehow mix them all up and then be on a flying carpet covering all of Texas and then stop blindfolded, pick up just one silver dollar, and it's the red one. That was his word. Picture four one with 17 zeros behind it in probability order. That's just eight messianic prophecies.

So when these prophets were after who is Christ, what's he going to be like? Okay, he's going to ride a donkey. Okay. He rode a donkey, okay. He's going to be come from the line of David. Okay. He came from the line of David, okay. He's going to be crucified, okay? He was crucified. You can keep going. But just eight prophecies with the probability like that, you're going to tell yourself that's not going to happen by chance.

So the only way it does happen is by design, by order. Here's the two things that float out of that conclusion. When you understand the prophecies, two things float to the surface. Jesus is God and the Bible is true. And does our world need to know that message? Jesus is God and the Bible is true. Let's study prophecy.

That's one way. That's not the only way, or that's not the only tool God gives us. But don't discount these prophecies. So when when Peter is speaking here, he says they're indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the substance of glory, it was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves, but you in the things which have been announced to you through those who preach the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven things into which angels long to look.

These prophets were giving us the great tool that Jesus is God and the Bible is true. By searching and inquiring carefully of the prophets.

Another word picture for you is football. I don't know if any of you care about football. I don't know if any of you know enough football to beat me at Tecmo Super Bowl. Good luck. I played a lot of Tecmo Super Bowl as a middle schooler. One of the ways you're good at Tecmo Super Bowl is you can read formations.

So when you it's a dumb Nintendo game if you don't know what I'm talking about. But when you play Nintendo, you you pick the formation and then you pick an offensive formation, pick a defensive formation. If you can read their formation, you have a significant advantage. Now that's Tecmo Super Bowl. It happens in real life too, with way smarter people than me.

But if you can read an AI formation, you know that the running back is going to somebody is going to go before the running back. It's the fullback. And so the fullback is usually this big stout guy and he's going to go plowing through the line, hopefully knocking down one or 2 or 3 defenders. And then the running back is going to carry the ball behind him.

So that word picture is somebody going before. John the Baptist was the fullback for Jesus. John the Baptist went before Christ. Mountains will bow down. Valleys will be raised up. The word of the Lord will be proclaimed. John the Baptist went before Christ. The prophets went before us so that we could carry the ball. Who's who, who's gone before you in your life.

Who's someone who's a spiritual fullback for you? I would say my my parents are. I mean, that's a I praise God for believing parents, solid believing parents. I would tell you a guy named her Bloomquist was my middle school camp director and youth pastor. And so I went to a Christian camp a lot because it was tied into our youth group and similar to Camp Tapa Wingo situation.

And I learned the Romans Road there. I learned to teach the Bible there. I was a camp. I worked on the maintenance crew. I worked as a counselor. I helped out in lots of ways that in retrospect, that was way more valuable than I realized at the time. Herb or herb Bloomquist and I, it's a weird name. Herb was one of the people that went before me.

I had a college professor named Cliff Biddle. He loved the Word of God. That's enough. I mean, he was a good professor, too, but somehow in his class, he was so infectious with his love for the word of God that I wanted to learn the Word of God.

I can still tell you the the Romans outline from his class. When I took Romans with him, he went before me. So I can tell you that in this room. I got married right here. By the way. in 2006, Jimmy Cannington flipped burgers at my wedding, and Jimmy Cannington helped me be a good middle school teacher. I was hired when I was 27 and single, and I'm 46.5 and married and have six kids, so this congregation has seen me grow up and help me grow up.

Bob Carr helped me be a principal. George Waller helped me be ahead of school. Tim McKeon gave me an insight to the elder board. I know it's always dangerous to name people because then you leave people out. We're grateful for God's faithfulness, grateful for people going before and now I'm going before.

I have children, you know that.

And God uses that. When we think of Stuckey and Stone and Ewing. you could make a big list real quick of people who have gone before, people who have been what these prophets were that prophesied about this salvation that the angels longed to look into. It's so good that the angels want to look into it.

Am I the only one that has a hard time with that idea? What is so good that the angels want to know about it? Anybody remember the movie sandlot? So? So there's a fence in sandlot, and they're playing baseball, and they keep hitting this ball over the fence. Now there's a big scary dog over that fence, but they're like looking over the fence like, oh, what's over there?

I want to know. The angels want to know what our salvation is about. They want to know what redemption is in our life and and justification and propitiation. And they want to see our sanctification. And they're looking forward to our glorification. It's that good.

I forget that. Or I become it becomes normalized. I got new tires on my car. I got saved. Those are not the same thing. They should not carry the same weight in our lives. The angels long to look into the salvation. Hey, do you know about that? Did you see that?

It's good stuff.

The Holy Spirit's a part of that. News by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven.

When's the last time you shared your faith with somebody? When's the last time you gave a clear presentation of the gospel to somebody who didn't know it? Regrettably, that's kind of a convicting question. Oh, yeah. I don't know. I'll tell you, one of the people who does it well is Buddy Cooper. I have been impressed by his.

Hey, do you know the Lord kind of question? And you're like, buddy, it's really now the time and place. Yes. Now is the time and place. I. I didn't know, Stuckey. Well, people speak of Stuckey just sharing his face with the gas station attendant or whoever. I when I was in eighth grade, my youth group did a trip from Minnesota to Twin Rocks Bible Camp in Kentucky, not far from actually where John Stone grew up near Hazzard, Kentucky, and we were at Twin Rocks Bible Camp, and I shared my faith as a eighth grader with a second grader and a camp counselor situation, and he said yes.

I didn't have a box for that. Oh yeah, share your faith with people. Yeah, yeah, they'll become believers. Yeah, it's a good thing. Okay. Okay, good. Well, he he said yes. He wanted to become a believer because of me as an eighth grader sharing that. Did that change him? Yes. Did that change me? Yes. Is is that God's design?

Is that his purpose with salvation? Yes.

May we share the Word of God and the plan of salvation liberally, because it's that good.

All right. I'm running out of time. Jed, I think you're going to pick up 17 or 13 anyway. The the only. I'm going to use one little phrase, therefore. So all this good stuff, therefore prepare your minds for action. Do something about it. I can be guilty of spiritual passivity. Yeah. I'm saved. Yeah, I understand this. Yeah. Good.

Yeah. I'm going to heaven. Yeah. Prepare your minds for action. This starts a whole section on holiness. Be holy because God is holy. Because God did this for you.

Prepare your minds for action. So to ask the application question, how are you preparing your minds for action? You're going into battle. You are called according to his purpose. He who began a good work is going to carry to completion. Be holy, act like it.

God is good. He is for us. He loves us. He has given us these amazing gifts in holiness and completion. God has made us complete. We are the totaling score of 300. It doesn't get any better than being saved. God sent people before us and he sends us before others. And one day to use the timeline again, he's going to wrap up the world one day he's coming back.

One day there will be glory. Our lowly bodies will be transformed. But until that time, prepare your minds for action. Let's pray. Father, these are good truths. You know what you're doing. You have a plan. You are working it out. It will be completed. Thank you for your sovereignty. Thank you for your big picture. Thank you for your umbrella.

Even over the hard, even over the sin, even over the. That's not supposed to happen kind of things, father. Maybe especially there. We need you. We need you every hour. We need you in our lives. We desire to not only know and appreciate, but to do based on these words. Thank you for giving us Scripture. Thank you for giving us each other.

Thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit. Thank you for giving us this living and lasting hope. May we encourage one another with these words in your precious name, Jesus. Amen.

Rose Harper